Thursday, March 09, 2006

On fasting

As my new "Kapha-pacifying diet for Vatas" progresses as a means for holistic weight loss, I'm trying new things as recommended by various sources. One of the routines I am following is a weekly liquid fast. For one day every week (Sundays are good) I take it easy and have only simple, nutritious liquids for the day. The idea is to give the digestion a break. For me it's also a connection with my eating habits, which are otherwise quite manic. I feel hungry, of course, but less so than if I know I can eat all day. And every fluid I take in feels purposeful and nourishing.

I don't know what's better, though. A full day of sipping only warm water with lemon, ginger and maple syrup, or including other liquids like juiced fruits and vegetables, miso soup, and spiced herbal teas...

Another thought. Imagine if everyone fasted for one day a week. Imagine how that would lighten the load on the earth, with a day of rest for all plants and animals, a day less of packaging, waste and transporting, a day when ads and specials for worthless foods won't lure us to eat mindlessly.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Not so much that everyone should fast for one day a week, as most people in the world don't have enough to eat in the first place. More like if everyone in North America and Europe, and certain parts of East Asia fasted for one day a week. And even then, there are many within those regions who are just getting by nutritionally.

  2. You are quite right. To ease the burden on the earth in a significant way that musing would apply to the small percentage of the world's middle- and upper-class population that are high consumers of food and energy. And there are indeed millions if not billions of people not getting enough healthy food to eat, neither in third world countries nor the working class in wealthy countries. Thanks for keeping it real.

  3. Anonymous2:07 AM

    you try fasting on the day u were born or on friday if you are a woman coz this will make you in sync with your basic body energies thus enhance the very meaning of your fast.

  4. I've often thought of this... fasting for one day a week. I've started doing the Master Cleanse a few times a year, and I am a true believer in giving the digestive system a break. So why not do it on a weekly basis? I, too, do not know whether or not to drink other liquids other than a simple herbal concoction... but maybe a more important question is what day to do it?! Can't do sunday - Sunday Brunch. Can't do monday - mondays always suck. Can't do tuesday - cheap movie night.... list goes on...

  5. I have heard that women should fast monthly for 1-3 days at the New Moon and that the type of fast depends entirely on you and your blood/body type. Whether a fruit and/or veggie juice fast, a simple "no solid foods" fast or a "breatharian" fast on only conscious breathing, the trick is to rest digestion and let the body focus on elimination aided if necessary by the cleansing herbs cascara sagrada and the host if others and oils that temper that harsh herb.

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