~ iodine is added to table salt to prevent goiter, but is so plentiful in preserved foods that we don't need to add it in our cooking; magnesium carbonate or sodium silicoaluminate are also an additive to prevent clumping (anything with "alum" should be avoided in the diet as it's been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's -- this includes aluminum cookware, deodorants, and baking powder)
Table salt (sodium chloride) has only 2 or 3 chemical elements, whereas sea water has 84 elements; for our body to be healthy we need all those elements; in using common salt, we are depriving ourselves of vital trace minerals, contributing to health imbalances and becoming more susceptible to disease. If we think of our bodies having the same salinity as the ocean, and if indeed we all came from that original source of life on Earth, it would make sense to recreate in ourselves the perfect balance of minerals found only in these ancient bodies of water.

table salt
~ look for 100% natural (no additives) sea salt, harvested and processed by organic methods, unrefined, and free of pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals

~ sel gris (grey salt) is organic French sea salt, moist and unrefined and high in minerals. It remains a light grey, almost light purple color because of the clay from the salt flats where it is collected by hand using traditional Celtic methods; considered to be the best quality salt available


~ 12 tissue salts were identified to be present in every human cell (Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph, and Silica)
~ Rasas are the 6 tastes Ayurveda uses to assess foods; they include Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Astringent, Pungent, and Salty
~ the salty taste (lavaana) is heating, moist and heavy, and stimulates digestive fire while providing some grounding -- this makes Salty flavours good for calming Vata, and hence in excess aggravates Kapha and Pitta
~ every meal should contain all 6 tastes to some degree, depending on dosha, so moderately include the salty flavour in your meals (from sea vegetables, Bragg Liquid Aminos, and small amounts of healthy sea salts)
Find more info about Himalayan crystal salt, Ayurvedic tastes, tissue salts, and French natural sea salts.
you are on a roll, i always love reading your posts and apparently i haven't been checking back regularly enough.
Someone told me that processed foods do not use iodized salt because of the expense. It got me thinking that for the longest time I had only been using Kosher salt, which is not iodized, and if I was lacking in iodine. I've switched to sea salt and use Braggs, I love that stuff. I'm still not sure about the processed foods question but thanks for all your great info. I'm new to Ayurveda and do you know of any Kapha support chat rooms? I need extra motivation obviously :)
Thanks for your comments!
Melanie, thanks for that info on processed food -- one more reason to stay away from it! As a Kapha, Bragg is a great alternative, and though sea salt is great you could also use that as sparingly as possible. Don't know of any chat rooms, but that's a great idea! Maybe you (or a Vata/Pitta) could start one? :)
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